Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Co-Founding a New Company!!!

For over a year now Adam has been involved as a co-founder for a new technology company that makes surfing the Internet easier and faster while sharing the profits with its users! We are real excited about this new adventure and want our friends and family members to share in it as well.

Clickety-Split is a new category of software that bridges the gap between computer applications and the Internet by giving you instant access to both – with a quick, double-right click of your mouse! You can simply and quickly organize and access frequently used websites and computer applications.

Clickety-Split earns advertising revenues just like Google and Yahoo. Clickety-Split “splits” these advertising revenues with you and incentivizes you to share the software with others! You simply invite a friend to join by providing a link to the Clickety-Split community.

This software will be free for everyone to use in the coming months. However, those that would like a preferred split of the profits at 2 or 3 times the normal can sign up now. Just go to
http://clicketysplit.com/platinummember.php and sign up if you are interested. You can put in Adam or Sarah Weeden as your sponsor.